
Showing posts from June, 2023

What I’ve learned about love, feminism, and being a badass from male submissives

 I have always been of two minds about most things. Maybe, being a Gemini, I’m a born contrarian. I’m confirmed Catholic and would still consider myself somewhat religious, but I’m also deeply critical of the Catholic Church as an institution. I am not above self-crit- I’m a part of an institution that does shitty things, and that makes me complicit in it to some degree. As a person with an autoimmune disease and muscular conditions, and who started suffering from OCD and anxiety as a child, I also glean hope from and find peace within it. Both can be true and do not negate the other entirely. I’m a biochemist, but I strongly prefer the company of musicians, comics, and even artsy pedants over the (often unearned) self-satisfaction and lack of emotional fluency that marks many in STEM.  I’m a ranty, buzzkill feminist who thinks choice feminism, while at one time a good starting point, often hurts women (as our oppression is often repackaged in appealing ways to us as a “choice...